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State farms in centrally planned economies could also participate where beneficial tenancy arrangements can be incorporated. While such or related arrangements are being put in place, the transference of food surpluses as food aid to regions in need will continue for quite some time. Special care needs to be taken that such measures are complementary to, rather than in conflict with, local policies designed to enhance food security.
On the other hand, a contractor servicing many small growers in a local region can spread the capital cost accordingly and provide a service at an affordable price. For individual farmers who cannot afford a new and expensive item of equipment and who prefer not to depend on contractor availability, purchase of second hand equipment is an option where the support of a local finance agency may be required.


State farms in centrally planned economies could also participate where beneficial tenancy arrangements can be incorporated. While such or related arrangements are being put in place, the transference of food surpluses as food aid to regions in need will continue for quite some time. Special care needs to be taken that such measures are complementary to, rather than in conflict with, local policies designed to enhance food security.
On the other hand, a contractor servicing many small growers in a local region can spread the capital cost accordingly and provide a service at an affordable price. For individual farmers who cannot afford a new and expensive item of equipment and who prefer not to depend on contractor availability, purchase of second hand equipment is an option where the support of a local finance agency may be required.

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