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Precision seeders place single seeds at predetermined intervals in evenly spaced rows to provide an optimum plant population using pretreated seeds suited to mechanical metering under gravity and with high germination and establishment potential. Plants with lesser germination potential or those requiring an earlier growing date (rice, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, tobacco) may be transplanted typically in biodegradable containers in which the seedling has been established in greenhouses.
The equipment used for the post-harvest treatment and preservation of durable and perishable produce includes cleaners, sorters and graders, fans (for fresh air ventilation and fumigation), dryers, refrigeration, controlled atmosphere equipment, conveyors, and handling, packaging and labeling equipment (see also, Equipment for Post-harvest Preservation and Treatment of Produce).


Precision seeders place single seeds at predetermined intervals in evenly spaced rows to provide an optimum plant population using pretreated seeds suited to mechanical metering under gravity and with high germination and establishment potential. Plants with lesser germination potential or those requiring an earlier growing date (rice, tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce, tobacco) may be transplanted typically in biodegradable containers in which the seedling has been established in greenhouses.
The equipment used for the post-harvest treatment and preservation of durable and perishable produce includes cleaners, sorters and graders, fans (for fresh air ventilation and fumigation), dryers, refrigeration, controlled atmosphere equipment, conveyors, and handling, packaging and labeling equipment (see also, Equipment for Post-harvest Preservation and Treatment of Produce).

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