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State farms in centrally planned economies could also participate where beneficial tenancy arrangements can be incorporated. While such or related arrangements are being put in place, the transference of food surpluses as food aid to regions in need will continue for quite some time. Special care needs to be taken that such measures are complementary to, rather than in conflict with, local policies designed to enhance food security.
The choice or selection of agricultural equipment is dictated by a multiplicity of factors including the nature and size of the enterprise, the profitability and access to finance, the economic status of the region, the accessibility to a range of equipment options at local level, the ownership (individual, shared or cooperative) of equipment and access to mechanization contractors.


State farms in centrally planned economies could also participate where beneficial tenancy arrangements can be incorporated. While such or related arrangements are being put in place, the transference of food surpluses as food aid to regions in need will continue for quite some time. Special care needs to be taken that such measures are complementary to, rather than in conflict with, local policies designed to enhance food security.
The choice or selection of agricultural equipment is dictated by a multiplicity of factors including the nature and size of the enterprise, the profitability and access to finance, the economic status of the region, the accessibility to a range of equipment options at local level, the ownership (individual, shared or cooperative) of equipment and access to mechanization contractors.

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