Best Tractors

Best Tractors

The scale of the investment required may be determined from comprehensive data on farm mechanization costs (see also, Expenditures and Returns). For instance, the current cost of mechanization in the UK is about 20 % of total farm input costs (Table 1). Table 1. Breakdown of farm input costs (UK inputs) (see also, Expenditures and Returns).
The size and number of tractors is dictated by the size, nature and profitability of the farming enterprise as well as by how many (if any) operations (e.g. plowing, planting, spraying, harvesting) will be serviced by local contractors. For example, the capital cost of purchasing a harvester to harvest a small area of a moderate value crop is often prohibitive.


The scale of the investment required may be determined from comprehensive data on farm mechanization costs (see also, Expenditures and Returns). For instance, the current cost of mechanization in the UK is about 20 % of total farm input costs (Table 1). Table 1. Breakdown of farm input costs (UK inputs) (see also, Expenditures and Returns).
The size and number of tractors is dictated by the size, nature and profitability of the farming enterprise as well as by how many (if any) operations (e.g. plowing, planting, spraying, harvesting) will be serviced by local contractors. For example, the capital cost of purchasing a harvester to harvest a small area of a moderate value crop is often prohibitive.

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